#FAQ: 10076-EN, Date: 11/03/2008

What is the default employee code and password when I enable the security into OroTimesheet?

The information in this article applies to :
OroTimesheet 5.x (English)
OroTimesheet 5.x (French)
OroTimesheet 6.x (English)
OroTimesheet 6.x (French)
OroTimesheet 7.x (English)
OroTimesheet 7.x (French)

When you enable the security into OroTimesheet, the next time that you run OroTimesheet, you must enter a valid employee code and password so that you can access the software.

There is an employee named Administrator that is automatically created into the database. The code of this employee is ADMIN. The default password of this employee is OROLOGIC. So, you just have to enter ADMIN as the employee code and OROLOGIC in the Password box.

Please, note that once connected to the software, we strongly suggest you to change the password of the Administrator employee through the option Employees.


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