To simply import or export OroTimesheet 7 data, the use of the data import/export options available into OroTimesheet 7 is the easiest and recommended way. Also as mentioned above, all reports can be exported in several file formats.
However, if you want to access OroTimesheet 7 database from other applications, an ODBC driver for Firebird must be used (unless you can access database from a software or a programming language which can access Firebird databases natively).
No ODBC driver is included with OroTimesheet 7 since this one does not need it. However several manufacturers developed some that are available for free or at a low cost.
Here are some Web sites of manufacturers of ODBC drivers for Firebird (Note that this list is not exhaustive and is available only on a purely informative basis. OroLogic Inc is not associated to any of the manufacturers enumerated below):
Firebird ODBC Driver =>
Easysoft ODBC-Firebird Driver =>
Some hints on the choice and the configuration of an ODBC driver:
- Be sure that the ODBC driver is compatible with Firebird 2.5.
- When you configure a connection using your ODBC driver, ensure that you set the following
values for the following parameters:
Client: C:\Program Files\Firebird\Firebird_2_5\bin\fbclient.dll
Default Character Set: UTF8
SQL Dialect: 3
Here is a configuration example of the driver "Firebird ODBC Driver":