#FAQ: 10131-EN, Date: 05/22/2009 How to validate and repair the NewWayService 4 database with the Firebird "gbak" and "gfix" command line utilities.
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This procedure explains how to validate and repair the NewWayService 4 database when it has been damaged.
WARNING: Assistance of a qualified technician is strongly recommended to use the Firebird "gbak" and "gfix" utilities. For more information about command line utilities of Firebird, refer to the Firebird documentation.
1- Logon directly to the server console where Firebird is installed on. If the server is a Windows server, open an MS-DOS session. If the server is a Unix/Linux server, open a command shell session.
Important notice: If you are using a Windows server, commands below will only work if they are run directly from the Windows server concole. They will not work if you are accessing the Windows server console through a client terminal server session.
2- Define the following two variables (by doing this, you do not have to type in the user name and password every time you issue a command).
(If you have changed the password for the SYSDBA Firebird user, affect this new password to the ISC_PASSWORD variable instead of masterkey)
3- Go to the folder where the Firebird command line utilities are located. Usually these utilities are in the
C:\Program Files\Firebird\Firebird_2_1\bin folder under Windows and in the /opt/firebird/bin folder under Unix/Linux.
4- Be sure that nobody is using NewWayService 4 while you are trying to repair the database else the operation will fail.
5- It is strongly recommended to make a copy of the NewWayService 4 database file (usually nws.fdb) before trying to repair it. By doing this, you ensure to have a copy of your database before any modification to this one.
6- Type the following command line to check for database corruption:
gfix -v -full nws.fdb
(Replace nws.fdb by the full path to the NewWayService 4 database.)
For example, under Windows, if the full path to the database is C:\Program Files\OroLogic\NewWayService4\nws.fdb enter:
gfix -v -full "C:\Program Files\OroLogic\NewWayService4\nws.fdb"
Under Unix/Linux, if the full path to the database is /home/newwayservice4/nws.fdb, enter:
gfix -v -full /home/newwayservice4/nws.fdb
Note: Use quotation marks only under Windows and only if the database path contains spaces.
7- The previous command should indicate thay the database contains errors. To repair these errors type the following command:
gfix -mend -full -ignore nws.fdb
(Replace nws.fdb by the full path to the NewWayService 4 database)
8- Now check to see if the corruption has been repaired by typing the following command:
gfix -v -full nws.fdb
(Replace nws.fdb by the full path to the NewWayService 4 database)
9- If you still see errors, you should now do a full backup and restore with the gbak utility.
Type the following command to make a backup of the NewWayService 4 database:
gbak -backup -v -ignore nws.fdb nws.fbk
(Replace nws.fdb by the full path to the NewWayService 4 database. Replace also nws.fbk by the full path to the NewWayService 4 database but be sure to keep the .fbk extension.)
If gbak falls over because it is having trouble with garbage collection, then use the following command:
gbak -backup -v -ignore -garbage nws.fdb nws.fbk
If there is corruption in record versions of a limbo transaction, then you may need to include the -limbo switch:
gbak -backup -v -ignore -garbage -limbo nws.fdb nws.fbk
10- Now restore the NewWayService 4 database by typing the following command:
gbak -rep -v nws.fbk nws.fdb
(Replace nws.fdb by the full path to the NewWayService 4 database. Replace also nws.fbk by the full path to the database but be sure to keep the .fbk extention)
11- The restore is now completed. Verify that the database has been fixed by typing the command indicated at step 6. The gfix utility should not indicate any errors.
12- Now you can run NewWayService 4 again.
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