#FAQ: 10140-EN, Date: 04/28/2010

How to change the reports paper format from Letter to A4 or vice-versa

The information in this article applies to :
NewWayService 4.x (English)
NewWayService 4.x (French)

By default, when installing NewWayService, the paper format of all reports and forms is Letter.

If you want to change the paper format, you must run the Original reports reinstallation utility. Please, follow steps below to know how to proceed:

1- From the Windows Start button, select Programs | NewWayService 4 | Reports reinstallation utility.

2- Select the database in which you want to reinstall reports by clicking the small button on the right side of: Database where reports will be reinstalled.

3- Select the language (english or french) as well as the paper format (Letter or A4) then click on Start reinstalling original reports.


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