#FAQ: 10160-EN, Date: 08/26/2010

NewWayService is not using the date format specified into Windows 7

The information in this article applies to :
NewWayService 4.x (English)
NewWayService 4.x (French)

When using NewWayService under Windows 7, NewWayService displays a date format that differs from the date format specified into the control panel of Windows 7.

This is a known problem with Windows 7 and Microsoft is aware of it and should include a fix in a next service pack. In the meantime, here is how to fix it.

Go in the Windows control panel then access the option Region and language. From the drop down list under Format:, select a language and country (such as English (Canada) or English (United States) ) that differ the current selected one then click Apply. After it, select back the original language and country then click OK. This force Windows to rewrite values into registries and should fix the problem.


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